Friday, April 20, 2012

John at the Bar

            John hated the way the smoke stayed on his clothes until he did a new load of laundry.  He hated the constantly shifting music.  He couldn’t hear himself think.  He ordered another beer and noticed a girl in a playful white dress dancing.
            John was used to seeing a certain type of dancing at the bar.  Too sexual to be sexy.  This girl was doing it right.  The focus wasn’t on her curves but he couldn’t stop noticing them.
            “She’s cute huh?”
            John hadn’t noticed the thin well-dressed man standing next to him.  John played dumb.
            “Which one?”
            “The one you’re staring at.”  John smiled to himself and looked at the bar.  “Why don’t you make a move?”  John pointed to a ring on his finger.  The old ball and chain.  “There’s nothing wrong with dancin’.”
            John looked back at the girl and made an effort to pull himself away.
            “She’s too young for me.”
            “You think she’s too young?”
            “Look at her.”
            “You don’t learn to dance like that from being young.”
            John felt his ring getting heavy, but when he reached for it, he felt only skin.
            “I lost my wedding ring.”
            John quickly patted his pockets and found the ring hiding in his jeans.  He pulled it out and stared at it.
            “You don’t want to lose that.”

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